7 Time and Money Savers for the Holidays

The holidays are just around the corner. Families are planning ways to stay safe while social distancing and still enjoy the familiar traditions of the holidays.

If you want to avoid the holiday rush, retailers are offering bargains starting now to give you a head start. Online shopping is easy, and many companies offer free shipping.

So, here are ten ways to save time and money before the rush of the holiday begins.

  1. Start the decorating early by pulling out a few things every day. If you’re looking for ways to brighten up the house or yard, think small businesses. Many boutiques and independently owned retailers offer online or virtual shopping or curbside pick-up to make shopping convenient. 
  2. Plan your holiday menu now and order staples online. Many stores are still offering free delivery, so this is the perfect time to stock up on holiday items while they are in stock.
  3. Set a budget for gifts and make purchases on a cash reward card that pays you a percentage back on expenditures. Using a designated credit card organizes everything you spend in one place.
  4. Think ahead and create meaningful homemade gifts. Most of us don’t NEED anything, but the thought that goes into a DIY gift is priceless. If you’re having trouble with ideas, just Google “homemade gift ideas.”
  5. Eat at home more often. This is a savings many Americans discovered during quarantine. Pinterest is a great tool to find 30-minute meals with minimal preparation, and the money you save adds up. Just type in the name of any ingredient and hundreds of recipes are at your fingertips.
  6. Shop online. Sales are starting much earlier this year as companies offer holiday deals sooner than in past years. Retailers hope to reduce crowds and to spread out demand amid COVID-19.
  7. Give gift cards as a “thank-you” to all the people who serve you throughout the year. (i.e. stylist, barber, mail carrier or sanitation collectors, etc.) Gift cards will encourage those who serve and provide support to local restaurants and businesses.

As you discover ways to save time and money this holiday season, don’t forget to check in with your health advisor during Open Enrollment. It is important to confirm that your plan is the least expensive option for 2021. The Open Enrollment window is October 15 — December 7. Questions? Call Insurance Group of the Ozarks at 417-725-1131.

Leah Callahan