A Season of Giving

The season of gratitude and giving seems to pass too quickly. Black Friday and Cyber Monday rush in immediately following Thanksgiving, and our reasons for being thankful often seem to slip into the background.

The rush of the Christmas season—finding the perfect gift for everyone on your list or preparing for visiting guests—can steal our joy and cloud the season’s true meaning.

According to Psychology Today, there is good news: Gratitude has scientifically proven benefits. Living with gratitude can improve health, build new relationships, and improve sleep.

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

By William Arthur Ward

Christmas movies often feature the theme of giving to those in need. Yet, this spirit of goodwill should permeate our lives throughout the year, not just at Christmas. People who need help in December will still have bills to pay in January. One way we can express gratitude is to give back, and there are great ways to do that every month of the year. Food pantries, homeless shelters, lonely neighbors, abuse victims, and single parents are all great opportunities to express gratitude by giving. 

The most exciting thing about giving is that it can be contagious. When people receive a gift of time or physical help, they often want to express gratitude by blessing someone else. One person’s giving frequently inspires others to do the same. So, as you enjoy this season of giving, look for ways to have an “attitude of gratitude” and express it with words and giving. You will be amazed at the difference it will make in your holiday season.

If you don’t know where to begin, here are a few ways to impact your neighbors:

Care to Learn, Nixa Chapter: https://caretolearn.org/nixa

I Pour Life: https://ipourlife.org

The Least of These: https://leastofthesefoodpantry.org

Harmony House, Victims of Abuse: https://www.myharmonyhouse.org

Insurance Group of the Ozarks is grateful to our community for trusting us with your insurance needs throughout the year. Have a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year! https://www.igotozarks.com

Deborah Floyd