Big Changes for Us
In an effort to emphasize our target lines of business, we have decided to rebrand and rename to make clear to our clients, and our future clients, exactly what areas of insurance we can help them with.
Angie Anderson, who co-founded the Insurance Group of the Ozarks in 2000, obtained sole ownership in August of 2012. With the revamp and ownership change of the business, she says “I felt our name needed to reflect what we do and the products that we sell better than it did previously.”
Being in the health insurance industry has never been more challenging than it is today, and we consider this an opportunity to EDUCATE and IMPROVE the way health insurance should be explained to you.
Now, more than ever, will you need a certified agent in the ACA (Affordable Care Act) program to simplify and clarify the new and changing benefits and costs of health insurance.
As always, our TOP PRIORITY at IGO is to reach out to you and make insurance go to work in the ways you need it to, and at costs you can afford.
Our country is experiencing some of the biggest changes to traditional health insurance coverage than we’ve ever seen before. It would be an honor to answer your questions, big or small, and give you peace of mind and CONFIDENCE regarding health insurance, whether you’re a young, working family, or already a Medicare recipient.
The Insurance Group of the Ozarks is an independent health and life insurance brokerage that was founded in 2000. The brokerage has over 30 years of experience. Their mission is to serve and educate our community while treating others without compromise. To contact or learn more, visit or call at 417-725-1131.
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