Industry Hot Topics October 2015

Anthem: nearly 4 in 10 Americans lack life insurance

The lifetime odds of dying in an auto accident or from a lightning strike are much higher than the chances of winning the Mega Millions or Powerball lotteries, which odds-makers peg at 175 million to 1.

Those inclined to gambling but who remain insured against the unexpected might consider this sobering fact before they book their next trip to Las Vegas.


10 FAQs: Medicare’s Role in End-of-Life Care

About three-quarters of the 2.5 million people who die during the year in the US are ages 65 and older, making Medicare the largest insurer of health care provided during the last year of life.


Want to Develop Your Kids Financial Brain? Use This Board Game

There are few better lessons in life than on-the-job training. Monopoly is a great tool to simulate financial lessons. I’d recommend that you wait for a rainy day to pull the popular board game out, but when that day comes, you’ll find tons of excitement for children of all ages.

Nicci Troiani

Nicci is the Social Media Manager at IGO, she started working with IGO in 2011 and manages all of our social media platforms and blog. Nicci now lives in Las Vegas and works for IGO remotely. She lives there with her husband and her cat, Princess.