School’s Out—I’m Bored!
How long does it take in your home from the last day of school to the first whine…”I’m bored!”? When my kids were younger I would have begun summer planning a couple of months’ in advance, from church camps to swim lessons to VBS and don’t forget the much-needed week with Grandma (in all honesty—that was for me).
Unfortunately in our tech-loving, super-distracted generation, kiddos seem to be more than ever in desperate need to stay entertained….motivated…..challenged….and BUSY! What happened to “down time”—or “Go play outside and find something to do!”? Maybe this generation will see more billionaire tech inventors and software programmers, but until that day comes let’s find some summer boredom busters so that when that first b-word comes out of your kiddo’s mouth, you’re fired up with a plan!
- Sumo-wrestling: use some pillows and dad’s extra large t-shirts and have a let them go wild (on a soft surface, of course)
- Play minute to win it games
- Learn how to make friendship bracelets
- Play with shaving cream (outside!)
- Create a neighborhood scavenger hunt
- Have an outdoor picnic
- Go berry picking
- Wash family cars in the driveway with swimsuits
- Sidewalk chalk
- Volunteer at a local shelter/kid’s service project
- Make cookies for neighbors
- Water balloon fights
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