Staying Home Together

During these days of social distancing with millions of people staying at home, it has been amazing to watch the creativity and collaboration of people, businesses, states, and even countries coming together to meet needs during this global pandemic. I am inspired by stories of small businesses that have stepped up to make face masks, restaurants partnering with delivery companies, healthcare workers bravely serving the critically ill, and essential business employees working to keep the country running.
We have all watched the creativity sparked by people confined at home. Piano lessons, workouts, school and choir practices have gone virtual. It’s a great time to be creative and make a difference while staying at home. If you are sheltering in place alone or with family, create structure and routine to your day. Limit screen time and try something fun or new. A simple schedule and a project to enjoy during the day leads to a sense of accomplishment, purpose and wellbeing. So, here are a few ideas to get you started.
- Stay active: Walk outdoors or join a “virtual” workout online
- Look at stars: Clear skies create a perfect time to see stars and constellations
- Make a difference: Deliver groceries to a neighbor, donate blood, sew for healthcare workers or friends, volunteer or donate to a small business or local food bank.
- Stay social: Reach out to family or reconnect with friends via phone, Facebook, Skype, letter writing or texting.
- Read/Listen: Set a goal to read on or offline each day, or listen to your favorite podcasts.
- Around the house: Tackle the housework using fun apps like or finish projects you’ve been waiting to do.
- Start a new hobby: YouTube offers everything from free seasons of Bob Ross’s The Joy of Painting to photography classes, music lessons, gardening 101, crafts or bird watching.
Kids at Home? Check out fun resources and tons of ideas for kids.
- Learn something new: Test your skills with online art
classes, computer skills, cooking or sewing.
- Play: McHarper Manor is a place to create & play with a daily broadcast on Facebook plus a website with resources at
- Virtual travel: Take a virtual underwater journey to Dry Tortugas National Park.
- Together: Do things with your kids such as gardening, cooking, playing games, or reading. Keep a photo journal and then make a book with sites like Shutterfly or Snapfish.
- Reach out: Stay in touch with grandparents, friends and family via Zoom playdates, FaceTime calls or Skype.
- Media: PBS Kids has educational resources, games and videos for kids to do from home.
As you are staying at home, your friends at Insurance Group of the Ozarks continue to be available for your insurance needs. Right now is a great time to review your insurance, medical and auto policies to make sure everything is in order.
We are working remotely, but we are just a phone call away. When you call our office, leave a voicemail with your agent and a time when it is convenient to call you back. Your call immediately generates an email to your agent who will return your call at your convenience.
We are here to help in any way we can. Call us at (417) 725-1131 or email your agent directly.
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