2015 Marketplace Enrollment Dates and Deadlines

The following dates and deadlines were found via Zane Benefits (Click here to read the original). Each state’s dealines will vary. This article is based on the guidelines for the federally-run exchanges, dates for your state run exchanges may be similar, or possibly earlier.


2015 Dates and Deadlines

November 15, 2014: Open enrollment begins for individual health insurance (i.e. Qualified Health Plans).

January 1, 2015: Earliest coverage date for plans purchased during the 2015 open enrollment period.

February 15, 2015: Open enrollment ends. If you miss this date, you will have to wait until fall 2015 to enroll, unless you have a qualifying life event such as a marriage, birth of a child, significant income change, or loss of job-based health insurance. Then, you can enroll during a special enrollment period.

November 15, 2015 – February 15, 2016: Open enrollment period for 2016 coverage.


2015 health insurance marketplace dates







“If you miss open enrollment, and have not enrolled in a health plan by February 15, 2015, you’ve likely missed your chance to buy coverage for the year — unless you have a significant change in circumstance called a qualifying life event. There are several types of qualifying life events such as marriage, birth of a child, income change, loss of job-based health insurance, permanent move to a new area, etc.
If you miss the deadline, this also means you’ll probably face a penalty for not having insurance. In 2015, the penalty is $325 per person up to a maximum of three times that amount for a family ($975), or 2% of household income if greater.” (Zane Benefits).


Contact us to get more information on applying for 2015. 

Nicci Troiani

Nicci is the Social Media Manager at IGO, she started working with IGO in 2011 and manages all of our social media platforms and blog. Nicci now lives in Las Vegas and works for IGO remotely. She lives there with her husband and her cat, Princess.