Why Life Insurance Can't Wait

variable-universal-life-insuranceLife insurance is easy to put off. All of us at IGO see the value in doing what we do because we have been affected in some way. 

Years ago one of my good friends, (I will call Kimberly), lost her husband at a young age of a heart attack, a very healthy young man. It was devastating to her, a young mother of two school age children, not only the emotional anguish but the financial situation that she was left in. Kimberly’s husband did not have adequate life insurance, thinking that he had plenty of time to get it. She had to sell their family home, because Kimberly did not have the means to earn the salary that her husband did. She was also a stay-at-home mom and now found herself in a situation that she had to provide for her family. Kimberly had not worked outside the home in over fifteen years!

I’m telling you this true story because if you have been putting off reviewing your life insurance or purchasing it, the time is NOW.
I can help you with this. My company has contracts with the best rated companies out there!


If you would like to check out rates, you can start here: https://www.igotozarks.com/just-looking/

Nicci Troiani

Nicci is the Social Media Manager at IGO, she started working with IGO in 2011 and manages all of our social media platforms and blog. Nicci now lives in Las Vegas and works for IGO remotely. She lives there with her husband and her cat, Princess.