The New Mega-Trend in the Insurance Industry

pexels-photo-59087In 2003, the world knew nothing of “tweeting” and “liking” and “sharing” in referring to a pool of online relationships.  But since its foundation in 2004, Facebook has now acquired almost 2 billion users, and “social media” is now as household a name as any other to those both young and old.

Insurance is changing–going, going, gone–are the days of door-to-door salesmen.  Cold-calling, though still a practice heavily used by many insurance brokers, is all but replaced by a more effective method: social presence.  The online world is increasingly mobile, as relationships in business are now being created and shared online, resulting in one thing that is overwhelmingly different from insurance interactions in the past: consumer power.

Customer expectations are changing—they are demanding simplicity, transparency and speed in their transactions with insurance advisors.  At IGO, we are finding ways to present insurance to you in a way that is clear—IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND YOUR PLAN, WILL YOU REALLY USE IT? We provide large screen monitors with internet access in all conference areas—NOT to show you a sales presentation, but rather to show TRANSPARENCY….we want you to know how we prepare research for you. And finally, we will not dominate your schedule—we already KNOW that insurance isn’t your favorite topic, but it is ours, and we make every effort to streamline our time with you so you can get on with your day!

Social networking growth may have its downsides…but from our perspective, when it comes to choosing insurance, we think it works in your favor as it shifts the balance of “power” to you—more and more insurance will be “bought” by customers, rather than being “sold” by agents and your needs become PRIORITY.

This is why at IGO we believe YOU are the PRIORITYnot the product!


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  • Leah Callahan