Post Open Enrollment “Blues”

The individual open enrollment window officially closed on December 15, 2017…and if you have a broker who works on your behalf, you might have heard them a time or two reference it as our “tax season”, so to speak. It’s a time of deadlines, back to back appointments, plan changes, and lots of it, within a very small time-frame. Then comes January…..

One might think this is the time your broker takes off for the rest of the year—maybe cruising on the open seas, perhaps spa days, or just some good ‘ole time away from the office (just a few months?). Not the case, and it shouldn’t be for a full-time insurance broker-one that is dedicated to staying involved throughout the year. In fact, for those of us at IGO, January represents one of our busiest months!

Typical “blues” after an open enrollment—
• Where’s my ID card?
• How do I get prescriptions if I haven’t received my card?
• How do I make my premium payments?
• Is my coverage active?
• Is my doctor in the network?

If your broker works only a quarter of the year on your behalf, consider all of the scenarios throughout the year that you’ll need someone working FOR you! At IGO, WE stay involved all year long, so that YOU don’t have to!

Leah Callahan