Updates on Healthcare.gov

stethoscopeWe have many clients affected by the new Healthcare.gov plans- so we want to include updates on our site as we hear them. This week Healthcare.gov announced that they would be scheduling down times of the website, to try to make improvements.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • From 1 am to 5 pm EST the website will be down daily until further notice.
  • They have announced that while this is in process, there may be additional, unplanned down times as well


Sunday night, ABC World News predicted “another trying week ahead for this White House and their troubled roll out of the President’s healthcare plan.”

Later this month, the site is set to announce their enrollment numbers, which they acknowledge are not going to be where they would like them. Although things have not gone as planned and many say that the site should be taken down completely and re-done, the Obama administration has refused to take down the site completely, wanting to keep it up. 

Nicci Troiani

Nicci is the Social Media Manager at IGO, she started working with IGO in 2011 and manages all of our social media platforms and blog. Nicci now lives in Las Vegas and works for IGO remotely. She lives there with her husband and her cat, Princess.